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L ... / fighting women

fighting women

Judges Chapter 5:24

Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.

Judges Chapter 5:25

He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.

Judges Chapter 5:26

She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.

Judges Chapter 5:27

At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.

Judges Chapter 9:52

And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought against it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with fire.

Judges Chapter 9:53

And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his skull.